Bluestacks Mac Permissions

We explain step by step how to download and install Bluestacks 4 for Mac ✅. After that, move the installation file to the Mac desktop and run BlueStacks from there. Solution 3: Change the security permissions. If upgrading Bluestacks does not work for you, then you can change the security permissions to fix the BlueStacks problem. Follow the below steps to change the security permissions on Mac OS: Open the BlueStacks.

  1. Bluestacks Mac Permissions Download
  2. Bluestacks Mac Permissions List
  3. Bluestacks 4 Download Free
  4. Download Bluestacks Mac
  5. Bluestacks Mac Permissions Windows 10
  6. Bluestacks Mac Permissions Download

Step-by-Step: Using BlueStacks AppPlayer From Behind a Proxy

Last revision: 15.05.2019


BlueStacks AppPlayer is a software that brings Android applications to PCs and Mac. This tutorial will show you how to use BlueStacks from behind an HTTP proxy.

A regular HTTP proxy is sufficient to provide access to the internet to BlueStacks itself and to the most of Android apps. A small amount of Android apps use network protocols other than HTTP and HTTPS. In order to proxify these latter apps, you will need a SOCKS, Shadowsocks or SSH proxy server instead.

The instructions below should apply to Mac OS X too as the setup procedure is very similar.

This tutorial has been written for BlueStacks 4. If you determine that this tutorial is outdated, then please feel free to let us know by sending an email via our contact form.


Download and install ProxyCap. Restart your system when the setup program asks you to do so.

Bluestacks Mac Permissions Download

If you already have BlueStacks installed, skip to the next step. Otherwise, download the BlueStacks installer, then run it and follow instructions to install BlueStacks.

Removing proxy set using HD-ConfigHttpProxy

BlueStacks comes with a command line tool named HD-ConfigHttpProxy.exe which allows users to set a HTTP proxy in BlueStacks. But after using this tool the most Android apps, including Google Play Store, are still unable to connect to the internet.

If you have not set your proxy using HD-ConfigHttpProxy, skip to the next step. If you did, you must remove the proxy before using ProxyCap. Do that by running the following command from the Windows command prompt:

HD-ConfigHttpProxy.exe reset

Configure ProxyCap to work with BlueStacks (Typical Configuration)

We must define 2 separate proxy servers: HTTP and HTTPS. First let's add the HTTP proxy.

Right click on the ProxyCap taskbar icon and choose Configuration.

Click the Proxies category.
Press the New button on the toolbar.

Select HTTP from the Type drop down list.
Fill in the other settings.
Press the OK button.

Now add the HTTPS proxy. Set the type of the proxy server to HTTPS. The server address and the authorization settings should be the same as for the HTTP proxy.

Now let's create ProxyCap routing rules for BlueStacks. We will add 2 rules: one for the HTTP connections and the other for HTTPS.

Click the Rules category.
Press the New button on the toolbar.

Chemical engineering templates visio. In the Rule Action section, select the display name of the HTTP proxy server from the drop down list.
In the Program section, click Specify, then click the Browse button.

Navigate to the BlueStacks program folder. It is located in Program Files.
Select HD-Player.exe.
Press the Open button.

In the Destination Port Range section, click Specify, then type 80 in the first port field.
In the Rule Name section, enter a display name for the rule.
Press the OK button.

Now add one more 'redirect' rule for HD-Player.exe but with the following changes:
1. In place of the HTTP proxy, specify the HTTPS one.
2. In place of the port 80, specify 443.

Click OK to save the configuration.

You are done, run BlueStacks and enjoy!

Configure ProxyCap to work with BlueStacks (Extended Configuration)

The above configuration is sufficient if your system uses a proxy server to connect to the internet. Besides HD-Player.exe, there are 2 other BlueStacks program files (HD-Agent.exe and Bluestacks.exe) that require an internet access, but, unlike HD-Player.exe, they respect the system proxy settings. So this extra configuration step makes sense only if your system does NOT use a proxy server.

Bluestacks app player for mac

Select the first entry in the rule list.
Press the Properties button on the toolbar.

Select the Programs tab.

Add HD-Agent.exe and Bluestacks.exe to the Program list. HD-Agent.exe resides in the same folder as HD-Player.exe. Bluestacks.exe is located in the Client subfoder of the BlueStacks program data folder (C:ProgramDataBlueStacksClient). The Windows ProgramData folder is hidden by default. To open this folder in the Select Proxy dialog box, enter its path (C:ProgramData) in the address bar at the top of the dialog box.

Press the OK button.

Repeat the procedure above to add HD-Agent.exe and Bluestacks.exe to the Program list in the second rule.

BlueStacks is unquestionable, one of the most appreciated Android emulators out there, a fact is proven by its 400+ million user community. Although BlueStacks was designed for gaming, it’s also being used to test new Android apps before they’re published on Google’s Play Store – easier to test an app inside an IDE than downloading it on your smartphone. BlueStacks came out in the odd 2009 and, at that time, it had, more or less the same ‘legal status’ as Citra, Snes9x, or other Super Nintendo emulators – borderline legitimate.

Later on, that status became less cloudy, particularly because Android is (semi) open-source (i.e., some costs may apply to manufacturers who want to install Google Mobile services). For a while now, people have been wondering about the security aspects of this Android virtualization environment.

Is BlueStacks Safe? Well, since this is an Android emulator, BlueStacks may have had inherited the same security flaws as its mobile counterpart. In this article, I will be challenging the latter statement for the purpose of ‘round-tabling’ the cybersecurity concerns associated with using BlueStacks for anything from QAing to developing full-fledged, mobile-friendly applications. Enjoy and stay safe!

What is BlueStacks and how do you install it?

As I was saying in the intro, BlueStacks is a free Android emulator best suited for those who prefer mobile gaming without actually gaming on a mobile device. BlueStacks can be deployed on any Windows or Mac-compatible machine and has the same looks (and feel) as the real McCoy.

Bluestacks Mac Permissions List

The emulator has many game-ready features such as mouse + keyboard tailor controls (e.g., MOBA mode, shooting mode, macros, etc.), multi-instance (i.e., allows you to run multiple apps at once), and eco mode, which helps you harmonize system resources while running multiple BlueStacks instances at the same time.

The latest version of BlueStacks (v4) comes with various pre-installed applications such as Google Play Store, Gmail, a file explorer that allows you to load custom (and often unsigned) .apk files, and much more. In other words, BlueStacks is the proverbial one-stop-shop for developers and users alike who want to enjoy the wholesomeness of Android without necessarily owning an Android device.

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BlueStacks does not require special permissions in order to be deployed on a machine, provided that you’re running in admin mode. Just download the .msi package from BlueStacks’ official website and execute it on your machine. Additional configuration is not necessary with version 4 – every utility’s preloaded so, at this point, the only thing you’ll need to figure out is how you’re going to use it.

Personally, BlueStacks is a great addition to any virtualization software and, by far, the most stable. Sure, you can virtualize Android with just about any emulator you can get your hands on, but don’t expect performance.

I still have a hard time believing that Oracle’s VirtualBox, although capable of running dozens of emulated operating systems, still glitches when you try to run Android – and yes, I did ramp up the cores and RAM dials, but to no avail. Anyway, BlueStacks has been sufficiently well optimized as to allow both gamers and developers to reap its benefits. Yes, this Android emulator can be used for things like debugging, testing, patching, and everything in between. Developers tend to use BlueStacks in conjunction with some form of specialized IDE such as Eclipse.

No doubt, a very interesting piece of software and to think that this project was started simply because game players wanted to add that keyboard + mouse soft-touch to their Android experience.

Summing up: BlueStacks is open-source gaming and debugging Android emulator. It sports all kinds of cool features, from customizable gaming modes to DevOps tools. Now that we have this out of the way, let’s discuss about the cybersecurity concerns looming around this Android emulator. So, is BlueStacks safe?

Addressing Cybersecurity Concerns of Android Emulation Software

A quick Google search BlueStacks’ security concerns render some pretty interesting, if not confusing, results. Most of the websites I’ve consulted in order to piece this article together have the same ‘lighthearted’ conclusion – sure, your AV might flag the .msi package as malicious, but BlueStacks is 100% safe. And, my favorite – BlueStacks wants to mess around with your UAC policy. Sure, allow it; what’s the worse that could happen? The team behind the evergreen Android emulator put a lot of ‘elbow grease’ in order to plug all the security holes. Naturally, v4 of BlueStacks is far more secure compared to its predecessors.

CVE-2019-12936: IPC Misconfig

Now, in 2019, Nick Cano, a cybersecurity researcher, and ethical hacker, came knocking on BlueStacks’ door saying that the app has some major issues. One of these issues, which was nicknamed CVE-2019-12936, popped up in or around April 2019. With a severity score of 7.1 on the CVSS scale, this vulnerability, which was thoroughly documented by NIST, proved that BlueStacks was prone to cross-scripting via a defective IPC mechanism & interface which had no auth functions enabled.

More specifically, using DNS Rebinding, the victim’s machine would start attacking targets on the same network. This vulnerability would have also allowed for REC (i.e., remote execution of code), lading to data leaks, backup theft, and other mishaps. No incidents were reported prior to Cano blowing the whistle on BlueStacks. One thing I forgot to mention: this vulnerability was discovered in versions lower than 4.0. BlueStacks’ latest build ( removed this vulnerability. So, if you’re still running older versions of BlueStacks, I strongly recommend updating your app ASAP.

CVE-2016-4288: Random code execution with system privileges

Thought that CVE-2019-1936 was the only vulnerability found in BlueStacks? Think again. In 2017, CVE-2016-4288 was published. The entry documented BlueStacks’ App Player local privilege vulnerability due to the creation of a Windows registry key with suboptimal protection. More specifically, the emulator’s App player would create a registry key that required very little permissions. This vulnerability would, in turn, allow a threat actor to execute random code with system privileges. CVE-2016-4288 would have affected version of the product or earlier versions.

CVE-2018-0701: Gain unauthorized access on the same network segment

Discovered in November 2018, this vulnerability would have allowed a threat actor to bypass normal restriction in order to gain access to resources hosted on a machine or network. As the CVE entry shows, the vulnerability was associated with the BlueStacks App player and affected Windows versions 3.0. through 4.31.55, as well as the second version Mac version of the emulator. The issue, which was flagged as “resolved” in the latest version of BlueStacks, would have allowed an attacker operating on the same network segment as the victim’s endpoint to gain unauthorized access.

CVE-2019-14220: Read unauthorized file by setting file name as a parameter in system service call

Earmarked in 2019, CVE-2019-14220 refers to a vulnerability that could be used to gain read-type access to an authorized file. This vulnerability’s been tied to a “local arbitrary file read through a system service call” and when executed with System admin privileges could have granted the threat actor access to an authorized file if the said file name was used as a parameter. CVE-2019-14220 affected versions 4.110 and 4.120 of BlueStacks. The vulnerability seems to have found its fix in the latest version of BlueStacks.

BlueStacks for Enterprise – Cybersecurity concerns

Bluestacks Mac Permissions

Software emulation solutions such as BlueStacks or even Oracle’s VirtualBox are open-source – free to use, deploy, expand, alter, etc. However, some of their more ‘advanced’ features are locked behind a pay-to-use wall. Haven’t heard about a corporate version of VirtualBox, but BlueStacks does have an enterprise plan and this exactly what we’re going to talk about in this section.

So, why should you choose BlueStacks Pro/Enterprise over the regular one? Well, getting rid of repetitive ads would be a nice change of pace. Also, the enterprise version of BlueStacks has other cool features in stock such as improved performance, a couple of tweaks that lower your bandwidth usage, the SDK, 24/7 support, disable pre-loaded content, and much more. So, should you go premium?

Is BlueStacks safe in its premium form? Yes, it is. As I’ve mentioned in the section concerning BlueStacks’ past issues, all of the (discovered) vulnerabilities have been successfully resolved, making BlueStacks for business as safe as Fort Knox’s gold vault. Wouldn’t go that far, but it’s pretty secure as it is. Now, putting aside BlueStacks’ known issues, the only thing left now to tackle would be the security problems that may arise when running emulators on your machine. And, as it happens, most of them are related to the type of application you run in said environment.

Google’s Play Store is the Eldorado of Android applications – music, video, photo-editing, ethical hacking, code-learning, code implementation, testing, debugging; there’s an application for everyone and every need. However, hidden inside this treasure trove of unspeakable usefulness are some apps that you wouldn’t want on your machine, regardless if it’s physical, virtual, or container.

Unfortunately, Google’s having a very hard time policing the Play Store for malicious apps masquerading as legit ones. So, what happens if you come across such an app while messing around in your BlueStacks-emulated Play Store? Worst case scenario – you break the virtual machine and start the VM configuration process from scratch. The nightmarish scenarios – nothing happens to the emulator, but the malicious code claws out of the sandbox and infects your host.

Now, based on the malware creator’s TTPs, this jailbreaking piece of code can do anything from zombifying (botnet) your machine to using it as a launchpad in an attempt to cash in as many goodies (assets) as possible. On the topic of assets, the first thing they teach you in any CND (certified network defender) class is that the word “asset” is spelled with dollar signs (a$$et) instead of a double-s – you lose your assets, you lose your business. That’s it, game over, and there’s nothing more to be done.

So, pay extra attention when deploying tools on your BlueStacks machine. Look for anything that could question the legitimacy of the app: grammatical errors, spelling issues, no info about the developer, fake and repetitive feedback, and, ultimately, the app’s requested permissions. Use common sense on that one: if an app you’ve just downloaded, say a portable Java system properties library asks permission to access your address book or to make phone calls, then it’s definitely malware.

Parting thoughts and extra security tips

Download Bluestacks Mac

Is BlueStacks safe? I wouldn’t say 100% because that would imply that the emulator might have some sort of safeguards in place for the worst cyber-threat out there – the human factor. The app itself is as secure as any open-source virtualization software out there, but won’t do you any good if you execute malicious apps on it. As I’ve said, time and time again, common sense is the panacea of cybersecurity – no matter what you work on or what resource you’re trying to access, you should pay attention to the context. It’s as simple as that.

As to the extra protection bit, I wholeheartedly encourage you to deploy an antimalware solution on your machine, especially when you’re experimenting with things like BlueStacks.

Bluestacks Mac Permissions Windows 10

Heimdal™ Security’s Next-Generation Antivirus & MDM is more than capable of dealing with anything that could try and claw its way out of your VM’s sandbox.

Bluestacks Mac Permissions Download

To end this article on a lighter note, if this is your first encounter with BlueStacks, do yourself a favor and play a couple of PUBG rounds or something before working on your projects. There’s no better way of testing this kind of software. As always, stay safe, and don’t forget to shoot me a comment if you have any questions about the app or topic.

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